Your Belgian product shop!

Ekiris is no traditional webshop, but a buyers' platform put at your disposal.

We offer quality products at a correct price.


It’s not always easy to find what you need, what you’re looking for. Our Ekiris platform was created to help you find the desired product.

We only offer products with a traceable origin and a recognized quality.  

Ekiris only offers new products, in stock and verified. All producers and manufacturers are known personally.
Each and everyone of them has already convinced us of their passion to create their articles.

Notre équipe

We sell in complete transparency and you can find the origin and all info related to the articles
in the individual product's description cards.  
Our main objective, our absolute demand, is that all products need to be from belgian origin and are 
sold at competitive but fair prices, which please both manufacturers and clients.

A way of consuming that makes everybody happy, it is possible and we will proove it to you...

If you wish to sell your products, do not hesitate to contact us. If they meet up to our quality standards,
we would be happy to welcome you and add your articles to our Webshop.  

You are a client and you cannot find a product, let us know and we will find it for you.

Delivery is done by us or through our partners.  We are your online convenience store.

Have a good time and... stay well.

Ekiris's Staff.